Join the Challenge - Register Below
Take The Health Questionnaire - What Health Goals Do You Want To Achieve?
Be Lean in 2015 -
Challenge Leader Sherrill Hendricks
Challenge Participant Guidelines
Complete registration below to Enroll with Isagenix and order product through your contact. Isagenix offers a 30 day Money-Back Guarantee. Most people begin to experience positive results within 2 – 5 days. What do you have to lose except your old self?
Show up at scheduled time for Before photos, weight and measurements
Take advantage of Be Lean in 2015 Facebook community and participate on calls as you can
Participate in team events as your interest and time allows. We will be setting up a walk, Table Talk, or some sort of group activity during the challenge.
Show up at scheduled time for After photos, weight and measurements and write testimonial
Complete Isabody Challenge to receive $200 in product and the opportunity for even more cash and prizes.
OPTIONAL: Revel in your new-found energy, health, sleep quality, leaner body and Share With Others!
Winner will be determined by the other members of the Challenge Leader Team. The Challenge Leader will not participate in the voting for their individual team. Winner will be determined by most significant change to their body and life, not pounds lost.
Challenge Leader Duties
Coordinate 2-3 opportunities for Challenge participants to complete the Before / After photo, weight, measurement requirements
Ensure that all participants are enrolled and answer any questions regarding product
Enroll participants in the IsaBody Challenge. Show participants area in their back office and provide general guidelines.
Be available for individual coaching as requested. Be committed to the success of each individual participant
Submit all Before/After Photos and testimonials to Be Lean in 2015 Challenge Leader Team for judging
All cash and prizes to be provided by Challenge Leader for their group of participants